Top 5 Tips for Storing Your Summer Items

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Summer Garage Organization

As the season is changing, many people are dreading the annual summer storage that may seem like a never ending event. While storing your summer items is certainly a task, it doesn’t have to be a difficult one. There are some things you can do to make the process more effective and enjoyable. Here are a few tips that will make this process so simple that you will be done before you know it!

Pack it right

Packing is a critical part of storing summer items. It is important to put items that are similar together to avoid confusion when searching for them later. For instance, you won’t want to pack away summer clothes with outdoor toys. It is also helpful to label your packed items for easy location. Packing it right the first time will make for a much easier unpack later.


Stack it right

Just as important as packing your items, is stacking the storage units correctly. Whether you are using boxes, bins, or totes, you should stack your items in a manner that is safe and space saving. It is important to make sure that your labels are readable so you are certain of what is what. It is also important to properly seal the lids of the containers so nothing is damaged once it is stacked.


Use your storage

It is critical that you are utilizing all of your storage space. Many people have overhead storage, wall storage, and cabinetry. You will want to make sure you are putting items in places that are best suited for their size and weight. For example, you will want to store larger items in overhead storage securely rather than attempting to hang it from wall storage.


Eliminate clutter

The great thing about moving your stuff to summer storage is that now is a great time for you to go through your things before storing them. Perhaps your children have grown out of the summer clothes or have large play equipment that they are too old to play with.  This is a great time to donate some things to save you some much needed space.


Get into it

One of the best things you can during the process of summer storage is really get into it. You can even have fun with making creative labels, going through your belongings, and enjoying a clutter-free home. This is a great activity for families to get involved in because everybody can participate. While moving things to summer storage may not be the most thrilling thing in the world, you can make it a fun process by lightening the mood.

These tips will make moving your stuff to summer storage a little easier and maybe even a little more fun. The great thing to remember is that you are taking the right steps to save yourself time when you look for these things next summer. You will be patting yourself on the back later for doing things the right way the first time.

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