How Do I Know If a Car Lift Is Right for My Garage?

Reading time: 3 minutes

Whether you’re looking to increase the storage space in your garage or store a summer vehicle during those long winter days, a car lift provides a great way to reimagine your garage space.

To determine if installing a car lift is right for you, here are answers to some common car lift questions.

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How much space do I need?

A car lift will optimize any space, so don’t fret if you’re concerned that your garage is too small. The car lift itself will fit into one bay space and it is optimal to have 11-12 feet clearance height.

Garage Living can also modify how your garage doors open to accommodate a car lift. The door is modified by extending the garage door tracks to the ceiling and replacing the ceiling-mounted motor with a side-mounted jack shaft operator.



How much weight can a car lift hold?

The 8,000 lbs. standard car lift supports sedans, small vehicles, and sports cars, while the 8,000 lbs. long car lift also supports mid-size SUVs and pickup trucks.

The 9000 lbs. standard car lift is the perfect choice for large SUVs and pickup trucks.

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How does Garage Living install the car lift?

The process generally takes half a day. Our team of 2-4 installers will arrive on-site to install the lift. The car lift does not have to be anchored to function effectively, but it can be anchored if you prefer.

Once the lift is installed, we’ll test it to make sure everything is working correctly and safely. It runs on a 110v outlet, raises electrically, and lowers hydraulically. After the car lift is installed, our team will teach you how to use the lift, make sure you feel comfortable with it, and answer any of your questions.



Is a car lift safe?

Lifts installed by Garage Living use locking pins in each post with a secondary locking mechanism. Unlike many other car lift installers, all Garage Living installers are ANSI certified to ensure customer safety.



Where can I learn more?

Our team can help you determine if a car lift is the right solution for your space. A team member at your local Garage Living location can tell you over the phone whether or not your garage can fit a car lift. We’ll only need to know a few measurements of your space to give you an answer.

If your garage can fit a car lift and you’re looking to move forward with adding one or having any other garage upgrades done, schedule a free design consultation with us.

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